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Duration : 35 minutes / Audience : 250 / Target public : 3 years old +


About the show

Archipelago is an invitation to explore and interact with others. It’s a playful, poetic journey into a world full of movement.

On stage, a puppeteer, a dancer and a musician assemble their imaginary islands, weaving them together to create unusual forms of life. 

Thanks to an inventive scenography perfectly matched to the surprising puppets and organic live music, this highly visual proposition will inspire dreams and wonder in young and old alike.



Somewhere in the middle of time, three star-sisters dream of adventure! Together, they embark on a journey to the heart of a vast and endless archipelago.

The space around them transforms. Everything moves, revealing unusual islands that they assemble and fragment as their imaginations unfold, scattering pearls of light along the way.

In the course of their journey, they meet curious and fascinating insular creatures, who lead them further towards the discovery of others, of themselves and of their ever-changing universe.


Creative Team

Original idea and Stage Direction : Sabrina Baran · Dramaturgy and text: Louis-Charles Sylvestre · Scénography : Laurence Gagnon Lefebvre · Sound design : Maryse Poulin · Puppet design : Sophie Deslauriers and Laurence Gagnon Lefebvre · Assistant puppet maker : Céline Chevrier · Costume design : Sophie Deslauriers · Light design : Audrey-Anne Bouchard ·Cast : Paola Huitrón, Maryse Poulin and Citlali Germé (alternating with Claude Bellemare)

Learn more about the show Technical rider